about us
What we do
dna creative was launched in 1995 as a Darlinghurst, Sydney-based graphic design studio, introducing (then) digital innovation into a burgeoning urban design scene. Since those heady days we have continued to work with diverse organisations and individuals worldwide on projects across online, interactive, print, screen, experience, and exhibition design and curation.
dna creative maintained offices in central Sydney until 2016, but since then has been based in the southern beachside village of Bundeena NSW. Improving broadband communications worldwide mean we can maintain a decentralised network of specialists who are involved on a project-by-project basis, rather than maintaining a large CBD premises. It also means we can seamlessly service clients from anywhere in the world, working across multiple media and technologies to achieve integrated cross-platform design solutions. Where on-site project management is still required, this is provided on a specific contractual basis.
Client relationships
Since 1995 our work has of course changed, with many common design functions migrating to online platforms and free/subscription template services. While we still have a love of quality print, spatial and film projects, and are still involved with their implementation, much of our work now consists of consulting for diverse organisations on visual identity and communications, resulting in guidelines and templates for internal and/or third-party implementation.
We are discreet about our client relationships, however a list of past clients can be found in the Project archive.
Who we are
Dr David Corbet founded dna creative in 1995, having previously worked for agencies in Australia, Europe, the USA and Africa as an illustrator, designer, video producer/director and feature film props artist. This included a stint at the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya, introducing and training staff in digital publishing systems; and design and art direction for several newspapers and magazines in the UK. With a PhD from the University of Sydney (USyd), he is now primarily engaged in consulting work for dna creative and its sister organisation dna projects contemporary art; research and writing; and in design and visual arts education at UNSW and USyd; while pursuing his diverse visual art practice and exhibition projects.
dna creative has employed many talented individuals as both staff and specialist creative contractors, many of whom have gone on to pursue distinguished careers, founding design firms of their own.
See Credits and professional links.
An archival project
In addition to being a promotional site for our services, this website is also a 'work-in-progress' archive of past projects, eventually searchable by design discipline, medium, location and client. An archive of case studies and other resources is in progress.
Training and eduction initiative 2021>22
dna creative is passionate about empowering clients and others in design thinking, creative intelligence and service design innovation. While training is currently provided on a bespoke client-by-client basis, a specific training and education initiative is currently being scoped for launch in late 2021.