dna projects | contemporary art | The Museum of Dissensus
Top L-R: Shay Mazloom; Clinton Nain; Jumaadi. Bottom L-R: Dadang Christanto; Clinton Nain: Jumaadi
courtesy the artists and private collection,
David Corbet, ' Nunca me abandones #2', 2018, mixed media
The Museum of Dissensus
Platform#1: Erasure and Memory
Fisher Library, The University of Sydney, 12 September - 16 December 2016.
Guest curator/artist: David Corbet
Artists: Abdul Abdullah, Jumana Emil Abboud, Vernon Ah Kee, Tony Albert, Francis Alÿs, Kader Attia, Tania
Bruguera, Nick Cave, Aslı Cavuşoğlu, Chimurenga, Dadang Christanto, Destiny Deacon and Virginia Fraser,
Karla Dickens, Fiona Foley, Félix Gonzalez-Torres, Guerrilla Girls, Julie Gough, Dale Harding, Edgar Heap
of Birds, Pierre Huyghe, Guo Jian, Jonathan Jones, Jumaadi, Yuki Kihara, Glenn Ligon, Laura Lima, Teresa
Margolles, Shaghayegh Mazloom, Queenie Nakarra McKenzie, Kent Monkman, Zanele Muholi, Clinton
Nain, Paulo Nazareth, Ramesh Mario Nithiyendran, Fiona Pardington, Mike Parr, Ben Quilty, Imran Qureshi,
Rosanna Raymond’s SaVAge K’lub, Marwan Rechmaoui, Lisa Reihana, Doris Salcedo, Alex Seton, Hito
Steyerl, James Tylor, Adriana Verejão, Kemang Wa Lehulere, Kara Walker, Jason Wing.
The Museum of Dissensus is an itinerant curatorial platform which explores themes of trauma, loss, genocide and cultural erasure, as well as broader notions of protest and dissent, and the affective power of art and literature to challenge societal conventions of the unthinkable and unspeakable. The original impetus for this approach arose from thinking about the ways in which literature and academic discourse, in tandem with the display conventions of the museum, can be a vehicle of epistemicide – the effacement of cultural knowledge and memory.
As an extension of this Fisher Library iteration, The Museum of Dissensus: Erasure and Memory also manifests as an artist/curator book, published in November/December 2016.
View or download The Museum of Dissensus book here (academia)